Beard Hair Transplant in Tunisia

1 clinic(s) offering Beard Hair Transplant treatment in Tunisia
Dr. Hedi Belajouza Verified

Dr. Hedi Belajouza is recognized for his artistic brilliance, stunning natural results and minimally... y invasive hair transplant techniques. His practice is based in one Tunisia's liveliest and most breathtaking cities — Sousse  

+216 24 356 665 Contact Person: Laura Boman
J'ai eu la chance de me faire opérer chez Docteur Belajouza Hedi le 2 et 3 aout 2020. C'était ma deu... uxieme greffe de cheveux. J'ai effectué la première en décembre 2018 chez Docteur Bisonga à Bruxelles . Je suis super satisfait de ma première opération seulement ce n'était pas assez pour couvrir toute la zone et une deuxième opération était nécessaire. Entre-temps mon frère s'est fait opéré chez Docteur Belajouza à Sousse et son opération était un succès. Vu que cette opération est très couteuse en Belgique j'ai décidé de faire ma deuxième opération chez Dr Belajouza et aujourd'hui après 5 mois je vois déjà le résultat qui va encore s'améliorer les 7 prochains mois et j'en suis déjà très satisfait à ce stade. L'acceuil et le contact humain avec toute l'équipe était super. J'ai ressenti moins de douleur par rapport à ma première opération et le docteur était serein et à l'aise ce qui m'a reconforté tout au long de l'opération. Merci Docteur et bonne continuation. Un petit message pour tous les hommes qui souffrent de calvitie en silence, passez le cap car il y a de nos jours une solution qui marche qui est la greffe FUE. Si votre zone donneuse de cheveux est assez dense, vous pouvez faire l'opération et ca marchera surement surtout si vous vous faites opérer par un bon chirurgien expérimenté et si vous suivez les recommendations post-opératoires  
January 2021
كانت لي تجربة رائعة لاني اول مرة اعمل عملية تجميل وبصراحة انا مسروووورة جدا بالنتيجة وبأسلوب الدكتور... ر مع مرضاه والله نعمة الدكتور وانا فخورة جدا اني عملت العملية على ايديه شكراا دكتور وباذن الله بعد 5اشهر حا اعمل عملية ثانية لاني ارتحت وفرحت بالنتيجة فبارك الله فيك دكتور وشكرااا جزيلا على كل شيء ماشاء الله أفضل دكتور وخاصة خبرتك بصراحة نعمة الدكتو  
February 2020
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Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure used to move skin containing hair follicles from one part of the body (donor site) to the bald or balding parts (recipient site). Hair transplants are primarily used to treat hair loss in men and women, as well as restoring eyelashes, eyebrows, and other facial hair.

Male pattern baldness and hair loss in women among the most common health conditions today, affecting 40% of men by the age of 35 and, in some cases, as early as the age of 20 and 30 in women.

Average Procedure length: Hair transplant surgery can take anywhere from 2 to 9 hours depending on the grafts that are harvested and implanted. Hair transplant surgery does not require any overnight hospitalization.

There are several factors causing hair loss which may include alopecia, genetic inheritance and other health problems. Traveling for hair transplant abroad, a vast majority of patients enjoy lifetime results of hair transplant surgery.

Because the hair used in the donor area is not sensitive to the balding process, it will be permanent. The hair continues to retain genetic characteristics after the relocation.

The increasing cost of hair transplantation surgery in many western countries had men and women scratch their heads in search for affordable and effective options to help regrow their hair.

During the last few years; traveling for hair transplant surgery has been growing more in popularity and acceptable among both men and women, with a slight uptick in men traveling for hair restoration abroad.

Hair Transplantation

Each person that wants to undergo hair transplant surgery typically concludes a different case. All hair transplants are not the same and the density of the donor area is what determines the grafts available for a hair transplant.

The average number of hair follicles determines the number of hair available. The color and contrast of your skin will be the determining factor on the impression of density. An important aspect is the average diameter of your hair, as well as the hair texture: curly or straight.

There are two different options that can be used for a successful hair transplant. The two methods are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

The two procedures are similar with the major difference affecting the way the follicles are extracted.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):
The follicular units are extracted directly from the scalp

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):
A strip of the scalp is removed and the follicles are extracted.

The hair transplant option that most suitable for individual patients suffering from hair loss will be determined by hair-loss tests that are analyzed by the cosmetic surgeon.

Cost of Hair Transplantation

The cost of hair transplants abroad have become a much better value; not only the technology used and quality have improved but graft prices have gone way down.