Ear Pinning in Beirut

2 clinic(s) offering Ear Pinning treatment in Beirut
Doctor Samer Bassilios Habre - Plastic Surgery Verified

Specializing in aesthetic surgery of the face, breast & body, Dr. Samer Bassilios Habre, provide... es the highest quality of plastic surgery treatments and care to achieve beautiful and natural-looking results. Dr. Bassilios Habre is a European Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with American & European work experience  

+216 51 813 008 Contact Person: Maria Wilson
I would to thank very much Dr. Samer , he was very assisting and supportive
September 2019
Best Doctor I know. Very professional. Great experience.
July 2018
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42 more treatments
Dr.  Elie Abdelhak Verified

Dr. Elie Abdelhak is an internationally recognized authority on plastic surgery in Lebanon and the M... Middle East. He performs a wide range of cosmetic, facial and breast-enhancement procedures  

00 44 20 3322 9575 ext: 1008
التجربة كانت ممتازة وحسيت بفرق في مكان العملية الالم يعتبر مقبول وكل يوم في تحسن والدكتور ماشاء الله... ه عليه متعاون جدا ومعاملته جدا راقيه وفريق العمل جدا متعاون والآن تقريبا ليه ٣ اسابيع وكل يوم احس الالم يقل والكن بالنسبه للورم الحمد لله خُف جدا وان شاء الله أتوقع انه حيكون هناك فرق لانه الدكتور قال الي شهرين رغم انه الان في فرق ملحو  
April 2017
والله كان تعاملكم منيح جدا و التواصل ممتاز وهذا دليل على نجاحكم في عملكم واتمنى الكم الن... نجاح والتوفيق ونشكر دكتور عبد الحق ونتمنى له النجاح. بنتي عم تتعافى بفضلك  
February 2017
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What is Ear Pinning (Otoplasty/Pinnaplasty)?

Otoplasty or Pinnaplasty (also known as ear pinning) is a procedure that entails the reshaping of prominent or protruding ears by removing cartilage from behind the ears. The ears are pinned back to a position closer to the head for aesthetic purposes. Protruding ears filter no physical harm to the body.


A Good Candidate for Ear Pinning (Otoplasty/Pinnaplasty)

Children between the ages of 6 and 14 are good candidates for the ear pinning procedure because the pliability of cartilage before adulthood benefits achieving the best results.


However, adults who are self-conscious about their ears can also find comfort from this procedure. Self -confidence beats the mild side-effects of this procedure and makes the surgery worth enduring.


Ear Pinning (Otoplasty/Pinnaplasty) Procedure

The first step is a detailed consultation with your surgeon, who will discuss with you the details of the procedure, the choices of anesthesia and aid you to determine the best method for achieving your desired end results.


After a local or general anesthesia is administered, the surgeon will make a small incision behind each ear where cartilage will be removed.


The ears are repositioned and pinned back with either dissolving stitches that will dissolve in approximately 4 days or regular stitches that require the patient return to the hospital or to a doctor’s office to have the stitches removed one to two weeks after the surgery.


The methods of this procedure may vary by each doctor’s preference. This procedure is outpatient, which means that the patient can return home the same day.


Average Duration of Ear Pinning Surgery: 1-2 hours