Invisalign in Oman

1 clinic(s) offering Invisalign treatment in Oman
Harub Dental Surgery Verified

When visiting Harub Dental surgery in Oman, patient can expect advanced dental treatments. The denta... al clinic in Muscat is designed to make you feel confident, comfortable and healthy. The clinic is well-appointed with top equipment to accommodate 8 dental units, utilizing the most advanced technology in the Middle East  

Modern equipment, pleasant and highly trained staff. The best customer care and follow up service I ...  have experience.  
September 2017
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January 2015
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Invisalign is a ground-breaking method of modern orthodontic treatments that uses a series of invisible, removable and comfortable aligners to straighten the teeth without the need for traditional metal dental braces.

Among the unique benefits of invisaligns is their removable nature which allows its wearers to eat and drink what they please.

They are also very comfortable and serve as a convenient alternative to the unsightly, juvenile metal braces that cause mouth abrasions and embarrassment for adult dental patients.

There are no metals and wires, which means spending less time getting treated in the dentist’s office and less cost. You can smile and feign the fact that you are wearing dental aligners!

There are many different types of orthodontic braces such as metal braces, ceramic braces and gold braces. Invisalign offers excellent advantages over traditional braces as they are the most convenient, comfortable, removable and invisible orthodontic braces approved by dentists all over the world.

Unlike conventional metal braces which are associated with teens and hi-school students, invisalign is suited for all ages. Patients of all ages who suffer from crooked and misaligned teeth can be good candidates for invisalign.

Many adult patients may feel embarrassed or self-conscious to wear dental braces; for this reason invisalign is a great cosmetic dental treatment to address issues related to tooth alignment without the unsightliness, discomfort and hassle of braces.

Good candidates for invisalign are patients suffering from crooked teeth but still maintain healthy teeth and gums. If a patient has teeth that are severely misaligned, invisalign may not be a good option.

Patients with overbites or underbites will not benefit from invisalign and will likely need to take different orthodontic procedure to correct those problems.

The Dentist will ask you to wear each set of aligners for about two weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush and floss.

Little by little, your teeth will be straightened until they settle in their final positions. You will need to visit your dentists about once every six weeks to ensure that your treatment is making progress.

The total time of invisalign treatment averages between 9 to 15 months and the number of aligners worn is roughly about 18-30—but both may vary depending on each case. 

Cost of Invisalign

Depending on your case and dentist’s discretion, the cost of invisalign will be determined. Factors that can influence the overall cost of invisalign include the complexity of your case, how long the treatment will take and insurance coverage.

Britain and the US are two countries that lack dental insurance to cover treatments like invisalign. That’s why, many patients from the US and UK travel in droves to take advantage of affordable dental care and the quality of dental services provided in popular dental tourist destinations like Spain and Mexico.