Hymenoplasty in Lebanon

1 clinic(s) offering Hymenoplasty treatment in Lebanon
Dr.  Elie Abdelhak Verified

Dr. Elie Abdelhak is an internationally recognized authority on plastic surgery in Lebanon and the M... Middle East. He performs a wide range of cosmetic, facial and breast-enhancement procedures  

00 44 20 3322 9575 ext: 1008
التجربة كانت ممتازة وحسيت بفرق في مكان العملية الالم يعتبر مقبول وكل يوم في تحسن والدكتور ماشاء الله... ه عليه متعاون جدا ومعاملته جدا راقيه وفريق العمل جدا متعاون والآن تقريبا ليه ٣ اسابيع وكل يوم احس الالم يقل والكن بالنسبه للورم الحمد لله خُف جدا وان شاء الله أتوقع انه حيكون هناك فرق لانه الدكتور قال الي شهرين رغم انه الان في فرق ملحو  
April 2017
والله كان تعاملكم منيح جدا و التواصل ممتاز وهذا دليل على نجاحكم في عملكم واتمنى الكم الن... نجاح والتوفيق ونشكر دكتور عبد الحق ونتمنى له النجاح. بنتي عم تتعافى بفضلك  
February 2017
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Hymenoplasty is a type of female genital plastic surgery treatment designed to restore the hymen to represent virginity. This procedure is requested by women for a variety of reasons-- mainly cultural or religious. Many cultures think of the hymen is a proof of morality and ethical behavior in social relationships.

The surgery is not only specific to conservative Eastern cultures, some women in western world seek this surgery as a way to celebrate their marriage and to give their husband the gift of ‘virginity’ on their wedding night.

The virginity of a woman is valued for religious, cultural, social and economic reasons. Hymen gets disrupted and bleeding occurs after a woman’s first sexual encounter; but it can also tear with use of a tampon or due strenuous physical activity. Severe rapture of the hymen is often associated with trauma and a tear in vaginal region reaching up to the hymen.

This genital plastic surgery treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, which approximately lasts about an hour to reconstruct the skin membrane partially in order to cover the vaginal opening.

Best candidates for hymenoplasty are women wishing to improve the appearance of their hymen and to achieve emotional stability in their relationships.

Cost of Hymenoplasty

Not only do plastic surgery destinations abroad allow you to save on your treatment, they serve as a refuge for patients who want to maintain their anonymity and to be treated in a private confidential manner.
Hymenoplasty is a very simple, one-day procedure which doesn’t involve intricate treatment techniques.

However some plastic surgery clinics in the US and Europe take advantage of the sensitive nature of the treatment and charge patients unreasonable costs. Hymenoplasty abroad is among the most cost effective plastic surgery treatments due to the lower cost of living in many of medical tourist destinations and the cheaper overhead charges.