Gastric Plication in Istanbul

1 clinic(s) offering Gastric Plication treatment in Istanbul
IBC - Istanbul Bariatric Center Verified

As the top weight loss surgery center in Turkey, IBC - Istanbul Bariatric Center, runs a highly effi... icient and effective specialized program at a JCI accredited hospital, an internationally awarded hospital. Patients who choose bariatric surgery in Istanbul find savings reflected directly on the price for a surgical procedure — affordable but not cheap. Our leading weight loss surgery team doesn't cut corners to gain patients. In fact, we have a proven track record operating a successful weight loss surgery program for over 20 years. And surgery quality and patient safety remains at the center of our program as we invest in every patient  

Weight Loss Surgery

It is a well-known fact that exercising and eating well are the best ways to lose weight. However many people have tried and tested those methods for years and still can’t lose the desired weight—which can negatively impact their health and well-being.

The more obese a person is, the more likely he or she to develop health problems. Mild obesity involving a body mass index (BMI) of 30+, poses less threat to health than morbid obesity (BMI 40+). Among the most common health problems that might be experienced by overweight persons are the risk of heart attack, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac death and chest pain.

High blood pressure is also common in adults who are obese than in those who are at a healthy weight. For patients in this frustrating situation, weight loss surgery can be viable option to reshape their lives.

Weight loss surgery is a serious surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of the stomach and cut food intake by limiting the amount of calories you can eat and speeding up the digestion of food to prevent a large number of calories being absorbed by the body.

Weight loss surgery is a life-changing experience that can help improve your overall health, social life and self-esteem.


Weight Loss Surgery Treatments

Bariatric surgery (weight-loss surgery) includes a variety of procedures designed to suit each patient’s condition and weight problem. The result is that the amount of food the patient eats is reduced. A factor in the success of any bariatric surgery is that it helps patients to follow a healthier pattern of eating after the surgery.

Gastric bypass surgery, gastric banding surgery and gastric sleeve procedure are the three most widely practiced types of weight loss surgery.

Gastric Bypass Surgery:
The first step of gastric bypass surgery, the size of the stomach is reduced to a volume of about 30 to 50 cc, to ensure the patient experiences a feeling of fullness with smaller portions of food. The second step of gastric bypass surgery the weight loss surgeon staples the smaller, upper part of the stomach, which causes food absorption to be partially reduced.

Gastric Banding Surgery:
In lap-band surgery, the surgeon uses a silicone rubber that loops around the top of the stomach, which reduces the size of the stomach to limit the amount of food that can be eaten. When patients eat, they feel full quickly.

Sleeve Gastrectomy:
Sleeve Gastrectomy uses a keyhole approach, where surgeons place a camera as a visual guide inside the abdomen during the procedure. The purpose of gastric sleeve is to remove the stomach’s left side, leaving the stomach in the shape and side of a banana.

Removing a large portion of the stomach pouch also limits the body’s ability to produce hunger-inducing hormones.


Cost of Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is a serious procedure that comes with a high price tag. There are many factors contributing to the cost of weight loss surgery: type of anesthesia used, bariatirc surgeon’s fees, hospital facility and the recovery period.

Traveling for weight loss surgery overseas is a popular trend which has been on the rise among obese patients during the last decade.

It has been estimated that prices for weight-loss surgery are roughly about 20 to 30 percent lower in many countries-like Turkey and Mexico- than in the USA and Western Europe.