Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle in Jordan

1 clinic(s) offering Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle treatment in Jordan
Dr Wafa Akhdar's IVF Clinic Verified

At the leading fertility clinic in Jordan, Dr. Wafa Akhdar's IVF Clinic, we are an international des... stination to treat male and female infertility. Our IVF clinic in Amman provides an extensive array of fertility treatment options ranging from intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) to advanced laboratory techniques and technology such as introcytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)  

كل الشكر والتقدير للدكتوره وفاء الجعبري على هاذا المجهود الرائع بفضل الله ثم الدكتوره تكللت عملية ال... لزراعه بالنجاح ونسئل الله ان يتمم على خير  
August 2019
تجربة ممتازة انا زرت عياده د وفاء وكان عندي مشاكل في الانجاب وصارلي ٥سنوات بدون اطفال والحمد لله ا... اجريت محاوله اطفال انابيب عند د وفاء الجعبري وربنا ا  
December 2018
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Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle in Jordan

Embryos that are not transferred during in vitro fertilization cycles can be cryopreserved. The treatment to establish a pregnancy using frozen embryos has been called a thaw cycle or a frozen embryo transfer cycle or simply an FET cycle.

During FET Jordan (frozen embryo transfer), cryopreserved embryos from a previous IVF cycle will be thawed, and will be transferred to the woman’s uterus.

Fertility specialists of IVF Jordan clinics spend quality time on furthering education and training abroad to offer patients the highest international standards and the most advanced IVF treatment methods.

Pretesting for a FET

In order to maximize the chances for success using frozen embryos, a woman should have a normal uterine cavity. There are three tests that can be used to assess the uterine cavity:

  • Hysterosonogram – In which saline is injected into the uterus and the cavity is viewed with ultrasound
  • HSG in which x-ray dye is injected into the uterus and the cavity is viewed with x-rays.
  • Hysteroscopy – In which a fiberoptic telescope is introduced into the uterus and the cavity is viewed directly.

Sights to See in Jordan

Situated between Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Jordan is unexpected land of tranquility. Jordan boasts tow of the most significant historic sights— the ancient rock-hewn city of Petra and Wadi Rum's spectacular desert scenery.

Explore the Citadel, which stances demonstration to the history of Amman, with its ancient ruins and excavated relics retained in the Jordan Archaeological Museum.

Visit the stunning Roman amphitheater, an impressive relic from ancient and the Museum of Popular Traditions with traditional costumes and mosaics from ancient Jordan churches.

Capture a glimpse of the Dead Sea- with its mineral rich water that has made it an internationally sought-after destination since ancient times.

Cost of Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle in Jordan

Jordan’s network of high quality clinics and hospitals tourists a significantly lower price on IVF treatment. The savings are nearly 40 to 80 % lower than what is charged in the US.

FET Jordan is encompassed by low cost prices and a grand place to explore on a small budget.