Hip Resurfacing in Cyprus

1 clinic(s) offering Hip Resurfacing treatment in Cyprus
Dr. Alex Kroushovski: Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgeon Verified

Dr. Alex Kroushovski understands your struggles for a life enjoyed at its fullest, and is doing his ...  best to provide you with optimum solutions. His professionalism and commitment to patient satisfaction have gained him a fine reputation on the international level  

Hip Resurfacing in Cyprus

Hip resurfacing is an orthopedic surgery in Cyprus often regarded as a substitute to hip replacement. Hip resurfacing involves the surgical replacement of the arthritic hip joint surface with metal on metal parts. This prevents the bones rubbing together and eradicates pain.

Choosing to have hip resurfacing surgery in Cyprus offers you superlative treatment at inexpensive prices – and the chance to experience an absorbing country.

Hip resurfacing surgery in Cyprus is offered to you at a fraction of the cost you would pay at home and with the reassurance of the very best in medical care.

The famed hospital offering hip resurfacing in Cyprus is located in Lanarca, a popular seaside tourist resort on the south of the island and home to many historical and cultural landmarks.

The clinic is the first and only private health care facility in Lanarca and offers world-class orthopedic treatment in luxurious five star facilities. The multilingual clinical staff is highly trained, with many having studied and worked in the UK or US. The hospital is built to European specifications and operates at American Health Care standards. All rooms are suites with room service and access to all the modern expediencies you need.

Cyprus offers the best the Mediterranean has to offer with nearly year round sunshine and a welcoming culture. Spring and autumn are popular times to travel to avoid the highest summer temperatures. Flight times from the UK are 4 hours and the long friendship between the two nations makes Cyprus a popular choice for Brits choosing orthopedic treatment abroad.

It’s not surprising that more and more people are choosing Cyprus as their destination for orthopedic treatments, such as hip resurfacing.

Sights to See in Cyprus

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. Cyprus entices tourists with its flamboyant culture and genuine delights.

Sightsee at one of Cyprus’ prehistoric castles. The Saint Hilarion Castle is embellished with limestone rocks and is one of the optimum highlights in northern Cyprus. The Kolossi Castle is engaged by an impressive drawbridge and an extremely impressive hall that is worth your attention.

Take a tour of the capital Nicosia and be engrossed by the Cyprus Museum, a powerful conception of archaeological treasures. Visit the grand Folk Art Museum, the amazing Archbishop's Palace, St John's Cathedral, Byzantine churches and the breath-taking Omeriye Mosque.

From the historic capital, explore the gorgeous Royal Tombs and Agios Irakleidios Monastery.

Hike through the pristine areas of Cyprus by nature trails including Atalante, Kaledonia and Persephone.

Feeling stressed? A bout of yoga at Sumeru Resort, one of the oldest villages in Cyprus will relieve the pressure and renew your spirits.

For a completely slower stride, the cafe nation of Nicosia provides a gentle amble of the fascinating selection of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Whatever speed you choose, Cyprus is guaranteed to leave you renewed and refreshed.

Cost of Hip Resurfacing in Cyprus

As hip resurfacing becomes increasingly widespread, many patients from the US, UK, and Australia are seeking treatment abroad. Countries like India and Turkey are at the forefront of superior medical tourism.

Patients are clustering in Cyprus in order to have hip resurfacing resultant of expensive treatment procedures in their own country.

Hip resurfacing in Cyprus is tremendously cost-effective and patients can be assured to be treated by high-quality doctors.