Sleeve Gastrectomy in Lebanon

1 clinic(s) offering Sleeve Gastrectomy treatment in Lebanon
Beirut Bariatric Surgery Clinic Verified

Bariatric surgery clinic (BSC) in Lebanon is a dedicated center for obesity treatment consists of a ...  team of specialized doctors working with dietitians, physiotherapists and sport trainers to provide our clients with the best multidisciplinary approach to fight obesity and its metabolic consequences  

بيستاهل اكثر من5 نجوم ﻻنو دكتور شاطر كثير واني واحدة من الي عمللهم العملية ونجحت وبفضل الله وبفضلوا ...  نزل وزني كتثير وتغيرت حياتي والحمد لله...وانا من العراق عملتها عندو بشهر شباط ولحد الان نزلت 25 كيلو...بتشكرك دكتور هيث  
May 2018
دكتور انت بطل والله يوفقك مع الكادر كله لعمل الخير نظرنا الى عملياتك انها من العمليه النظيفه والسلسه... ه نسئل الله ان يوفقكم في عملكم لانكم ابطال ورائعي  
May 2018
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3 more treatments

What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure that helps you lose weight by reducing the size and capacity of the stomach. It is a permanent procedure that results in the stomach encompassing only 15% of its original size. The intestines are not removed or bypassed and food is absorbed in the same way. However, after a sleeve gastrectomy you feel full rather quickly and hunger pains are reduced.


Why do you feel full faster? The part of the stomach that is removed in a sleeve gastrectomy is the part that was most likely to expand and allow an individual to eat more. Sleeve gastrectomy reduces the level of ghrelin, or “hunger hormone”, permitting pains to be significantly reduced.


Sleeve gastrectomy is offered to patients whose Body Mass Index, or BMI, is too high for other types of surgery to be performed. For example, if your BMI is over 50 your doctor may recommend a sleeve gastrectomy to help you lose weight before undertaking other surgeries, such as a gastric bypass.


Sleeve gastrectomy is also a good option when a patient has additional complicated health needs, such as a heart or lung problems, as well as being overweight.


A Good Candidate for Sleeve Gastrectomy

You may be eligible for sleeve gastrectomy surgery if your BMI is higher than 35. People who have severe cholesterol and diabetes complications should consider this surgery as well. However, patients must be prepared to make substantial changes in their eating habits and lifestyle.


Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed under a general anesthetic using a surgical procedure called laparoscopy – sometimes known as “key-hole “surgery.


After the stomach is inflated, a surgeon makes a number of small incisions in the abdomen, rather than the large single incision used in traditional surgery. The laparoscope, or viewing tube, is inserted to perform the procedure.


During a sleeve gastrectomy, surgeons remove part of the stomach and the open edges are then re-attached leaving a banana shaped tube or sleeve.


Sleeve gastrectomy surgery usually takes less than one hour to complete. This shorter time of surgery is particularly beneficial for patients with heart or lung problems.