Mini Ivf in Tunisia

1 clinic(s) offering Mini IVF treatment in Tunisia
Dr. Maher Ftouh Verified

Dr. Ftouh offers compassionate and individualized care to couples experiencing infertility, as well ...  as treatment options for endometriosis, miscarriages, and infertility disorders  

A present bien passe
June 2016
ولله انا جد سعيد انا زوجتي شفيت و هدا بفضل الله ومجهودات الدكتور ماهر فتوح
October 2015
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What is Mini IVF?

Mini IVF, known as micro IVF or minimal stimulation IVF, is an assisted reproductive procedure similar to the traditional IVF treatment, except for the doses of medication used in the treatment and the monitoring process throughout the cycle. One of the most obvious benefits of mini IVF is its associated cost. The cost of mini IVF is significantly lower than the routine IVF treatments, particularly because mini IVF uses fewer medication, less monitoring and less doctor visitations. Mini IVF is a method of an advanced reproductive technology treatment that uses a milder ovulation to produce mature eggs and eventually resulting in two good embryos. Mini IVF is also similar to IUI, but more effective.


A Good Candidate for Sperm Donation Procedure

When choosing mini IVF it is up to the patient's personal preference and the criteria set by IVF doctors. Women above the age of 40 are strongly recommended for mini-IVF treatments. Women who simply do not want to take excessive fertility treatment medications are also good candidates. Good candidates for mini IVF are typically women with higher natural follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, who fail to produce enough eggs for carrying a regular IVF. Mini IVF treatment is designed to counter this problem by increasing the woman's chances of having the eggs extracted so they can be properly fertilized.


Mini IVF Procedure

Patients first take oral contraceptives for two to four weeks, a baseline ultrasound is introduced and medications continue for five days. Monitoring is done primarily by three ultrasound exams and minimal blood tests. The entire process is carried out in two weeks and easily fits a patient's busy schedule. The total cost of mini IVF accounts for only 50 percent of a traditional IVF cycle.