Shoulder Resection Arthroplasty in Athens

1 clinic(s) offering Shoulder Resection Arthroplasty treatment in Athens
Dr Vasileios I. Sakellariou: Orthopaedics & Bone and Joints Surgeon Verified

Dr.Vasileios I.Sakellariou provides his patients with a myriad of the most effective solutions to re... estore to bones and joints their functionality and structure  

What is Shoulder Resection Arthroplasty?

Shoulder resection arthroplasty is a surgical procedure performed to treat problems in the AC (acromioclavicular) joint of the shoulder resulting from osteoarthritis or traumatic injuries.


The acromion is the bone that makes up the upper part of the shoulder. The acromioclavicular joint connects the collarbone and the acromion. The very end of the collarbone is removed (approx. 1cm), leaving a space between the acromion bone and the collarbone, where the AC joint used to be. This space is replaced with scar tissue that allows movement and eliminates bone to bone rubbing.


This procedure can either be done as an "open surgery" or it can be done arthroscopically, in which case it would be considered a minimally invasive surgery. Arthroscopic surgeries are video-assisted procedures enabling optimum visualization, smaller incisions and less recovery time.


A Good Candidate for Shoulder Resection Arthroplasty

It is very likely that you have already been diagnosed by your doctor with one of the above ailments, in which case an MRI or X-Ray image was taken. If this is the case, be prepared to provide x-rays.


If you have not taken MRI or X-Ray images, then you can take them at one of the listed modern health care facilities upon arrival.


Shoulder Resection Arthroplasty Procedure

A resection arthroplasty involves the surgical removal of a small portion of the collarbone. This removal then leaves a space between the acromion and the cut end of the collarbone where the AC joint was. This joint replaces scar tissue, which allows movement.


This also prevents the bones rubbing against each other. The end result of the surgery is the flexible connection between the acromion and the collarbone.


The procedure is usually performed by making a small incision over the AC joint. Sometimes, the surgery can be executed arthroscopically, in which the surgeon uses an endoscope to look through a small hole into the shoulder joint.


The endoscope is an instrument consisting of a tube fitted with a light and a miniature video camera, which transmits an image of the joint interior to a television monitor. The surgeon proceeds to remove the segment of collarbone through a small incision.