Spinal Fusion

2 clinic(s) offering Spinal Fusion treatment in 4 countries
Barcelona Spine Center Verified

Barcelona Spine Center has over 15 years of experience in spinal surgery combined with innovative kn... nowledge and extensive preparation enable the specialists to come up with the precise diagnosis and offer the most appropriate and the least invasive treatment for each particular spinal problem  

Dr Vasileios I. Sakellariou: Orthopaedics & Bone and Joints Surgeon Verified

Dr.Vasileios I.Sakellariou provides his patients with a myriad of the most effective solutions to re... estore to bones and joints their functionality and structure  

What is Spinal Fusion?

Back pain affects over 80% of adults at some point in their lives, whether it is lower back pain, middle, or upper. Back pain is often related to working conditions, lifestyle and diet. Sometimes back pain is not self- inflicted, but rather a consequence of accidents, sports injuries or degenerative disease, such as osteoarthritis. It can often be controlled with exercise, especially exercises that focus on the strengthening of the back and losing excess weight; avoiding smoking or by using conventional non-surgical treatments to improve back pain.


When all else fails, surgery may be your only option, at which point you should request a consultation to determine what type of surgery you may need. Or perhaps you may not need surgery, but general guidance on conventional methods of therapy. You may even be advised to go to a physical therapist.


360 degree fusion is a minimally invasive surgery used to treat Spinal Stenosis.


A Good Candidate for Spinal Fusion

Fusion may be recommended to treat scoliosis, a slipped disc, damaged joint or spinal stenosis. If you suffer from any of these conditions, it is important for you to get it checked out as pain can be persistent the longer you wait.


Spinal Fusion Procedure

Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal causing pinching on the nerves or the compressed area, extending out to the legs. Spinal stenosis usually occurs in individuals over 50, however younger people who have narrow spinal canals are also at risk. Lumbar Stenosis is the most common type of Spinal Stenosis, which occurs in the lower back. Cervical Stenosis is the most dangerous and the rarer form of stenosis. It occurs in the upper back and neck and can affect the brain and speech.


360 degree fusion for spinal stenosis utilizes a combination of posterolateral fusion and inters body fusion, the two main techniques used in spinal fusion surgery. The purpose of 360 degree spinal fusion is to relieve pain in the spine caused by degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and abnormal spine growth. 360 degree fusion fuses removes damaged parts of the bone or disc and then fuses the vertebrae back together using bone graft.