Hip Resurfacing

3 clinic(s) offering Hip Resurfacing treatment in 4 countries
Oscar Mendoza Helguera MD Verified

Oscar Mendoza orthopedic clinic is one of most established physiotherapy treatment facilities in Gua... adalajara providing high standards of medical care and advanced technology which earned renowned acclaim in Mexico and North America  

I did a lot of research before coming to Mexico for such a major surgery. When I found Dr. Mendoza ...  and read about his experience around the world with minimally invasive hip replacement, I felt fairly sure he was the surgeon I wanted for my procedure. I then made contact with his assistant, and from that point forward, I knew I had made the right decision. She and Dr. Mendoza are warm and friendly, as well as professional and quick to respond. After viewing my x-rays, Dr. Mendoza told me things about my hip, and why I had developed my problem, things my American doctors had never bothered to explain. My American doctors always treated me as if they didn't want to be bothered and were trying to get rid of me as soon as possible. My first visit with Dr. Mendoza lasted 45 minutes, and he treated me as if he had all day to spend, answering any questions I had. My hospital room was a beautiful suite, where my husband had a nice leather couch to sleep on. The nursing staff was very knowledgeable and prompt to respond if I needed anything. After leaving the hospital, I had a lot of pain on my first night, and Dr. Mendoza called my husband and prescribed a heavier medication. It says on his letterhead in Spanish "house calls"! I can't say enough good about my experience with Dr. Oscar Mendoza and his staff. Thank you, Dr. Mendoza  
September 2017
We were recommended to Dr. Mendoza by Dr. Torres in Mazatlan as a highly skilled and meticulous surg... geon. I had waited in pain for close to 3years in Canada for treatment ; The surgery was completed 2 days after arriving in Guadalajara. The surgery was perfect and there were no significant pain levels. The follow up after surgery items ei. walker, ambulance trip back to our hotel, and daily visit by the physiotherapist were all organized by Dr. Mendoza's professional staff. This is medical care at its best and incredible value for the price. I see a golf course in my future.  
December 2015
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19 more treatments
Dr Vasileios I. Sakellariou: Orthopaedics & Bone and Joints Surgeon Verified

Dr.Vasileios I.Sakellariou provides his patients with a myriad of the most effective solutions to re... estore to bones and joints their functionality and structure  

Dr. Alex Kroushovski: Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgeon Verified

Dr. Alex Kroushovski understands your struggles for a life enjoyed at its fullest, and is doing his ...  best to provide you with optimum solutions. His professionalism and commitment to patient satisfaction have gained him a fine reputation on the international level  

What is Hip Resurfacing?

The hip resurfacing procedure involves surgically replacing the arthritic surface of the hip joint with metal-on-metal parts. The purpose of the operation is to stop the bones from rubbing against each other, which causes chronic pain in patients with severe hip damage. Hip resurfacing is considered an alternative to hip replacement.


In a hip replacement surgery, the entire femoral head is replaced, whereas in a hip resurfacing operation, the femoral head is preserved and only the surface is replaced. Some orthopedic specialists have suggested that this bone preservation makes hip resurfacing a superior treatment to hip replacement, especially in more active, younger patients.


A Good Candidate for Hip Resurfacing

Good candidates for hip resurfacing surgery can include patients suffering from hip pain under the age of 60.


Hip Resurfacing Procedure

During the hip resurfacing operation, an incision is made over the hipbone and the thigh muscle is divided. The damaged parts of the hip joint are resurfaced, and a metal cap is attached to the ball of the thighbone. A new metal surface is applied to the pelvis. The metal-on-metal allows for a smooth mobility of the new joint, and eliminates the pain.


Average Duration of Surgery: 2-3 hours