Egg Donation

25 clinic(s) offering Egg Donation IVF treatment in 20 countries
FIV Center Madrid Verified

FIV Center provides state-of-the-art, comprehensive fertility treatments and reproductive solutions ...  to patients struggling with infertility. The clinic offers the most experienced fertility doctors in Madrid with both basic and advanced assisted reproductive technology for female and male couples  

I would highly recommend Fiv Center. Their communication was excellent from start to finish, all qu... uestions were answered quickly. They were professional, kind and reassuring throughout, and all staff spoke good English. I wouldn't hesitate to return in the future  
December 2018
Thank you Dr. Caballero to have made my dream come true. You and your professional team brought the ...  happiness to our life. It´s a baby girl! No words can describe how thankful I am  
December 2018
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14 more treatments
FIV Marbella Verified

At our facilities we have incorporated the latest scientific advances, both in relation to bio-medic... cal knowledge, technical or data processing, as in equipment equipped with the best and latest technology for the development of our work. For all this, FIV Marbella has established itself as one of the most advanced latest generation clinics in Europe  

La mejor clínica de reproducción asistida ellos an echo mis sueños realidad hoy tengo mi hijo con 8 ...  meses y soy muy afortunada me siento muy feliz y agradecida a todo el equipo de la clínica que me an dado la oportunidad de ser madre muchísimas gracia  
September 2017
Fiv marbella es un lugar maravilloso. 3.5 años intentando cumplir nuestro sueño de ser padres y aho... ora estoy esperando el nacimiento de mi hijo. Muchisimas gracias a todo el personal de fiv por vuestra profesionalidad, vuestro cariño y por hacer realidad nuestro sueño de ser padres  
September 2017
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URvistahermosa-MHC Verified

As the leading IVF clinic in Spain, URvistahermosa-MHC offers the most comprehensive and personalize... ed services as each fertility case is unique. We tailor each treatment to meet the needs of each individual — guaranteeing the best possible results through the services of the top-rated fertility and genetics unit. Over the years, we have helped patients from more than 20 countries to become parents  

Doctors was nice and kind, thanks for your attitude.
January 2015
I had a wonderful Experience at this clinic, at 46 years old my chances of conceiving were very low ...  and in the UK the process would be very expensive and quite demoralising. Immediately upon contacting the international team I was treated quickly, efficiently and most of all with understanding and compassion. I now have a beautiful son for which I am eternally grateful and I still kep in contact with the lovely staff. Do not hesitate to use this clinic, it is clean, modern, centrally located, reasonably priced and very successful.  
August 2014
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13 more treatments
Ginemed Verified

Spain is famous worldwide for infertility and reproductive medicine technologies, and Ginemed is no ...  exception. Ginemed is a home away from home for foreign patients seeking quality and affordable fertility options. From its precise quality control procedures and extensive egg donor databases, Ginemed is leading the reproductive technologies and research in the field of fertility in Seville and Spain. Italians, French, and British among other foreign patients are quite familiar with traveling to Ginemed to receive egg donation and IVF treatments in Seville  

Pronatal IVF Verified

Led by Ass. Prof. T. Mardesić PhD., the Pronatal IVF clinic in Prague has witnessed multiple achieve... ements over the years — and is comparable to top international centres of assisted reproduction  

What is IVF with Egg Donation?

Egg donation, also known as oocyte donation or ovum donation, is the process by which eggs from a third party donor are fertilized with sperm outside the womb (in-vitro fertilization) and transferred into the uterus of the patient who is trying to conceive. Many women are unable to conceive due to fertility problems related to egg production, such as cancer, autoimmune disease, Turner Syndrome, congenital absence of eggs, premature menopause, or premature ovarian failure.


Egg donation IVF is the type of assisted reproductive treatment offered to most women who have suffered a premature menopause or other fertility problems. Many patients who seek IVF treatments in the US and Europe are placed on long waiting lists for 2-3 years. Some clinics in Western Europe charge patients to be on a waiting list and, in some cases, this fee is not refundable against treatment. The high cost of IVF egg donation in the US adds to the emotional stress couples endure when trying to conceive. As an alternative to the high cost of egg donation IVF treatment, hundreds of couples are signing up for IVF treatments abroad. The cheap cost of egg donation with IVF treatments abroad and the availability of egg donors compel patients to travel overseas, in order to increase their chances of getting an egg donor and be blessed with the gift of having a baby. Success rates of IVF with egg donation are remarkably high in many medical tourist destinations such as Turkey, Cyprus, Armenia, Spain and Colombia. Among the popular and most sought-after IVF destinations is egg donation IVF in Cyprus, which offers a wealth of egg donors and low-cost assisted reproduction treatments. Benefits of IVF with egg donation also include women who respond poorly to fertility medications.

A Good Candidate for IVF with Egg Donation

Good candidates for IVF egg donation are women who have never had a spontaneous menstrual period, women who stopped menstruating at an early age due to unknown causes and women who are in their 40's that do not respond well to fertility drugs.


IVF with Egg Donation Procedure

Once the egg donor has been chosen, the menstrual cycles of the recipient and the donor will be synchronized using fertility drugs. Egg donors will be given fertility drugs to induce ovulation and encourage an increased rate of egg production. Fertility specialists monitor the egg donor’s ovaries and collect the eggs at the optimum time for harvesting. Eggs are collected using a fine needle to remove the follicles individually. The procedure is completed within 30 minutes. Collected eggs are then fertilized with in vitro fertilization methods. The resulting embryos are implanted into the uterine cavity of the recipient.


Length of stay in country: 21-25 days, 14 if treatment commences in home country.