Tandem Ivf Cycle in Colombia

1 clinic(s) offering Tandem IVF Cycle treatment in Colombia
Instituto de Fertilidad Humana Verified

Instituto de Fertilidad Humana specializes in diagnosis and treatments of infertility combined with ...  state-of-the-art reproductive medicine, as well as the personalized care you deserve  

What is Tandem IVF Cycle?

A tandem IVF cycle is a method of infertility treatment that uses both natural female eggs and donated eggs to correct a female infertility factor. Women experiencing poor ovarian reserves have trouble becoming pregnant and are often good candidates for a tandem IVF cycle. Tandem IVF is one of the most cost-effective treatments in assisted reproductive technology. This is apparent because during the tandem IVF procedure, both natural eggs and donated eggs are used in one cycle, which increases the likelihood of creating a healthy embryo while avoiding multiple cycles, ultimately costing less.


A Good Candidate for Sperm Donation Procedure

Women who want to increase their chances of pregnancy can take advantage of tandem IVF while using their own eggs and at the same time reserving the donated eggs for future use. Good candidates for tandem IVF cycle are female partners who have poor ovarian reserve; women with elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels; and older women as FSH levels naturally peak. Tandem IVF treatment offers an advantage over IVF egg donation because it combines two treatments in one. Women with infertility get to use donated eggs and their own eggs for better chances of pregnancy.