Thigh Lift in Morocco

1 clinic(s) offering Thigh Lift treatment in Morocco
Dr. Aboufirass Abdellatif Verified

Dr. Aboufirass Abdellatif practice is designed to present comprehensive treatment planning and follo... ow strict standards to ensure your plastic surgery in Marrakesh will go smoothly and achieve the appearance goals you desire  

تجربة في المستوى، طبيب محترف، وشغل نظيف ومرتب، ونتيجة مرضية، وسعر معقول جدا، فريق عمل احترافي وفعال.... . واستقبال مريح. أنصح كل امرأة تفكر بالقيام بهده العملية إن تتردد، يجب فقط اتحاد القرار، لا داعي للخوف، وكأنها تجربة مع دكتور الاسنان، قليل من الالم، يمكن تزاوجه مع وصفة الدواء الدقيقة من عند الدكتور ابو فراس، الله يعطيه الصحة. شكرا بزاف دكتور ابو فراس   
September 2020
One of the most professional place in Marrakech. Dr. BOUFIRASS Abdellatif and her Team are very kind... d and 100% professional. Wish them all my bes  
November 2019
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48 more treatments

What is a Thigh Lift?

The objective of the thigh lift (thighplasty) procedure is to improve the contour of the thighs by lifting and removing excess skin and occasionally fat that has lost its elasticity due to age or fluctuation in weight. Liposuction may be used in conjunction with the thigh lift procedure.


A Good Candidate for Thigh Lift

Good Candidates for thigh lift surgery are healthy non-smoking individuals. The minimum age requirement for this surgery is 18 years of age.


Thigh Lift Procedure

The first step is a detailed consultation with your surgeon who will discuss with you the best method(s) to be used to achieve your desired end results. After the patient has undergone anesthesia, incisions may be made in one of three different places, depending on which area of the thighs need to be concentrated on the most. Incisions may be made on the inner thighs just below the pubic area for those who need to have fat, excess or loose skin removed from their inner thigh.


A certain amount of skin and fat is removed from the inner thigh and tightened to improve the natural contour of the leg. Another type of incision is the bilateral incision. This method is typically used for those who have lost a significant amount of weight, and have large amounts of excess skin on the front and outside of their thighs.


The last method is called the medial incision. During this procedure, an incision is made in the groin all the way back to the buttock, allowing for access to the entire upper thigh where excess skin and fat are to be removed. After incisions are executed, excess skin and small portions of fat are removed.


The incisions are closed up with dissolvable or removable stitches, in which case the patient may be required to return to the hospital for a follow-up visit to have the stitches removed. This procedure can be outpatient or inpatient. Your surgeon will determine your length of stay in the hospital following your procedure.


Average Duration of Thigh Lift Surgery: 2-4 hours