Eyelid Lift

32 clinic(s) offering Eyelid Lift treatment in 25 countries
Miracle Aesthetic Clinic Verified

Miracle Aesthetic Clinic is the leading plastic surgery center in Taichung. With expert Taiwan's top... p plastic surgeons by your side, the goal is to achieve miracle results — results that are eccentric to every last detail. Led by Dr. Edgar Huang and Dr. Chi-Fong Wu, Miracle Aesthetic Clinic specializes in aesthetic/cosmetic plastic surgery of the face, nose, breast and body  

Raj Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Centre Verified

At the top plastic surgery clinic in India, Raj Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Centre, we are deligh... hted to offer our patients a myriad of plastic and reconstructive surgeries to regain confidence and restore beauty — and maintain as normal a life as possible  

The Asian Tropics Aesthetic Center Verified

Experience ageless beauty, a lean body, and healthy skin at the Asian Tropics Aesthetic Center in Qu... uezon City. The cosmetic surgery clinic is one of the major forces in bringing the medical tourism industry in the Philippines to greater heights  

Bella Mode Clinic Verified

The most advanced plastic surgery center in Bangkok, Bella Mode Clinic, is located in the Wattana Di... istrict. Bella Mode is the first overseas branch of Korea’s premier Grand Plastic Surgery Hospital — offering affordable aesthetic and plastic surgery services to local and international clientele  

العيادة ممتازة جدا وتعاملهم جيد والدكتور وايد ممتاز وشاطر وطيب والمترجمة زهرة حبوبة وحنونة كثير وذات... ت اخلاق راقية اهتمت بي من البداية الى النهاية شكرا لعيادة كيتوب The clinic great and their deal is very good The doctor is perfect,smart and does a good job plus he is very nice. The translator zahra is very kind with superior ethics she took care of me from the start to the end. Thank you so much ktop clinic  
November 2018
"The best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance. I’d do it all again" KTOP Clinic Discovering ...  the Fountain of Youth and Beauty People expect that their physical appearance will change as they get older. However, I must say that I was not prepared to let go of my youthful look and I was determined to fight the signs of aging especially on my face. When I turned 40, I noticed the change in my facial skin texture as well as its form. It looks uneven – like it’s missing some tissue masses in particular spots. Aside from that, I was bothered by my eyebrows. These are the frames of my face so I know how important it is to perfect them. However, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to get a perfect match of eyebrows. VIP Treatment for all. With that, I started doing some research as to how to solve such facial issues. When I saw rave reviews about KTOP Clinic, I decided to line them for a consultation. While some people believe in love at first sight, I experienced love at first step when I got to the clinic. I got the sincerest smiles, the friendliest words of welcome and the VIP treatment that everybody who goes to the clinic seems to get. The front desk even called a taxi for me, walked me outside and waited with me until I was safely seated. I cannot deny that I was impressed. I know right then and there that I am at the right place. What I did not know then was that I will continue to be impressed with more than just the looks of the clinic and the friendliness of professionals in the clinic. On my consultation, the doctors listened intently to what I say. They recommended Subbrow Lift to solve my eyebrows imperfection as well as Full Face Fat Transfer to fill and even out my facial tissues. The doctors explained everything clearly. They walked me through the process, explained the benefits, why they think that such services are perfect for my needs and patiently answered my questions. Lift is Right - Subbrow Lift by Dr. Pannawat Patthamawongjariya With any medical procedure, even cosmetic ones, I always expect that I will feel extreme pain. However, Dr. Pannawat pleasantly proved me wrong as I did not feel much pain, at least not as I expected. The doctor seemed to work on my eye lids with his hands patiently and expertly. He keeps encouraging me and keeping my eyes on the prize. I also expected to see some scars but thankfully, they were invisible, buried beneath my eyebrows. Face it - Full Face Fat Transfer by Dr. Nakin Panichnok What I love as much as having a perfect face is Dr. Nakin Panichnok is someone who clearly knows all about looking good as he is really attractive himself. Furthermore, aside from his good looks, he has a high and tasteful sense of humor. I feel that he cares for his patients as he comforted me and made me feel great. He is an expert in his field – knowledgeable, skilled and generous with information and his magical hands. He was even the last person to leave the Operating Room. I must say, I got better results than what I originally expected - a symmetrically beautiful face and fifteen years off my age. Throughout my career as a Psychologist, I understand that client’s confidentiality is highly regarded and KTOP delivered that in their most respectful way. I could not recommend enough, KTOP Clinic is one of the best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance, I’d do it all again.  
November 2018
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Surgery Expert Thailand Verified

At the top plastic surgery center in Bangkok, Surgery Expert Thailand, our expert plastic surgeon bl... lends technical skill with surgical artistry to produce stunning results for our patients. By using the most advanced, effective techniques, our team is committed to helping you reach your aesthetic goal  

Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) Overview

An eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess skin, fat and loose muscles from the upper and lower eyelids. Eyelids have a very strong influence on a person’s face and particularly their expression. With an eyelid lift, you can enhance your expression and improve your overall appearance.


The signs of aging begin around the eyes. An eyelid lift targets drooping eyelids which are the result of years of hard work and stress. These factors can also contribute to the deeply hanging bags under the lower eyelid. The eyelid lift procedure corrects these unwanted testaments of age.


Blepharoplasty can also enhance your vision if your eyelids are drooping excessively. Your true age doesn’t have to be revealed from your eyes. Recovering from an eyelid lift will shield minimal discomfort if you follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully.


An eyelid lift can also be a medical solution to ptosis. Ptosis can be the result of abnormal muscle reactions, stroke, a brain tumor or diabetes. Eyelid lift surgery can correct drooping eyelids from such conditions. The cost of an eyelid lift might be covered partially or fully by your insurance company if it is for medical reasons.


An eyelid lift can be carried out in conjunction with other facial procedures such as facelift or nose surgery. Book yourself a consultation with a plastic surgeon so you can discuss if you are a good candidate for an eyelid lift. During this consultation he or she will also explain the eyelid lift risks and side effects so you are aware of them.


The old and tired appearance of your eyes does not need to be permanent. An eyelid lift can rejuvenate your face and make you feel great about the way you look.


A Good Candidate for Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)

An eyelid lift is a solution for people wanting to get rid of visible stress and aging that begin to show around their eyes. Most people wanting to correct for drooping eyelids are good candidates for an eyelid lift but blepharoplasty is not for everyone.


Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about your reasons for surgery and your desired outcome as well as examine your natural facial features to determine if you are a good candidate for an eyelid lift.


Age is not a major factor when being considered for the eyelid lift procedure. However, most candidates are between 40 and 50 years of age. These patients have upper eyelids that may have begun to sag and lower eyelids that appear as bags under the eyes. Their hanging upper eyelids may make them look constantly tired or angry.


Drooping eyelids is a common sign of aging and an eyelid lift is mostly designed for older patients wanting to refresh their eye area. It can also be a solution for people in their 20s and 30s who suffer from hereditary drooping eyelids.


Regardless of the age, good candidates for eyelid lift surgery understand and accept the risks and side effects of an eyelid lift. While preparing for your eyelid lift you may realize that you are also a good candidate for other facial surgeries such as a facelift or nose surgery.


It is important for patients to communicate exactly what they wish to accomplish through their eyelid lift. For example, an eyelid lifts will not target wrinkles. It can help reduce the size and depth of wrinkles but a facelift or brow lift is better designed to combat deep wrinkles.


A good candidate for an eyelid lift needs to be emotionally and physically healthy. Patients will not be considered for surgery if certain diseases such as high blood pressure, hypothyroidism or glaucoma exist.


Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) Procedure

An eyelid lift offers men and women the chance to eliminate unwanted signs of aging that have begun to appear around their eyes.


The eyelid lift procedure is usually performed under a local anesthesia but some surgeons may also supply sedatives to calm and relax patients. Belpharoplasty is rarely carried out under general anesthesia.


The surgeon makes incisions along the natural creases or folds of the eyelid so that the scar won’t be visible. Occasionally, the surgeon will make the incisions on the inside of the eyelid which results in no scarring. The surgeon removes excess fat through the incisions and cuts away excess skin.


Loose eyelid muscles will also be tightened during the eyelid lift procedure in order to help smooth the skin and decrease wrinkles. The eyes will be bandaged after surgery and you will be taken to a recovery room where to be monitored for a few hours. Eyelid lift surgery is normally an outpatient procedure so you will not have to stay overnight in hospital.


The most important thing to do now is focus on healing during your eyelid lift recovery!


Average Duration of Eyelid Lift Surgery: 1-3 three hours, depending on the amount of work involved. If you are having any other cosmetic procedures such as a facelift at the same time as your blepharoplasty, then the surgery time will be longer.