Cheek Implants

20 clinic(s) offering Cheek Implants treatment in 25 countries
Dr. Nicos Mantas Plastic Surgery Cyprus Verified

The plastic surgery clinic of Dr. Nicos Mantas focuses on providing meticulous attention to detail, ...  individualized and compassionate care, and exceptional surgical results in a warm and welcoming setting  

I had two times breast augmentation with Dr. Nicos Mantas, I’m very happy with his performance. My l... last surgery was 2004 till now my breast looks great, the only thing is,because it’s been so long, I have to do it again.  
May 2020
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40 more treatments
Dr.  Elie Abdelhak Verified

Dr. Elie Abdelhak is an internationally recognized authority on plastic surgery in Lebanon and the M... Middle East. He performs a wide range of cosmetic, facial and breast-enhancement procedures  

00 44 20 3322 9575 ext: 1008
التجربة كانت ممتازة وحسيت بفرق في مكان العملية الالم يعتبر مقبول وكل يوم في تحسن والدكتور ماشاء الله... ه عليه متعاون جدا ومعاملته جدا راقيه وفريق العمل جدا متعاون والآن تقريبا ليه ٣ اسابيع وكل يوم احس الالم يقل والكن بالنسبه للورم الحمد لله خُف جدا وان شاء الله أتوقع انه حيكون هناك فرق لانه الدكتور قال الي شهرين رغم انه الان في فرق ملحو  
April 2017
والله كان تعاملكم منيح جدا و التواصل ممتاز وهذا دليل على نجاحكم في عملكم واتمنى الكم الن... نجاح والتوفيق ونشكر دكتور عبد الحق ونتمنى له النجاح. بنتي عم تتعافى بفضلك  
February 2017
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Dr. Helmy Soliman - Plastic Surgery Clinic Verified

Are you considering plastic surgery in Egypt? Top plastic surgeon in Cairo, Dr. Helmy Soliman, holds... s extensive training with global leaders and innovators in the field of plastic surgery  

Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy - Plastic Surgery Works Verified

Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy is a senior consultant plastic surgeon with 29 years of experience in the field... d. He holds licenses to practice in Dubai, Abudhabi, northern Emirates and in the more exclusive Dubai Healthcare City [DHCC]. His competencies extend to the full spectrum of aesthetic surgery, reconstructive plastic surgery and hand surgery  

Raj Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Centre Verified

At the top plastic surgery clinic in India, Raj Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Centre, we are deligh... hted to offer our patients a myriad of plastic and reconstructive surgeries to regain confidence and restore beauty — and maintain as normal a life as possible  

What is Cheek Implants (Malar Augmentation)?

Cheek implants (malar augmentation) are used to soften the angles of the face for a more youthful appearance. The methods employed with cheek implant procedures improve the harsh or gaunt appearance some individuals acquire due to age, malar deficiencies, asymmetries, or a natural bony structure.


Since we cannot avoid the force of gravity or the descent of soft tissue in our face, which is especially exacerbated with age, malar augmentation has become a sensible and rewarding solution. Cheek implants, or malar implants create well-proportioned, prominent cheek bones that make the skin on the face look supple and enhances facial symmetry.


A Good Candidate for Cheek Implants (Malar Augmentation)

Anyone with malar deficiencies or asymmetries caused by trauma, congenital defects, inherited bony structure or age is a good candidate for cheek implant surgery. The minimum age requirement is 18 years of age for this procedure. Typically, individuals do not get rid of their baby fat until they are in their early twenties so the age requirement does not pose an issue.


The age factor should be taken into consideration, as it is sometimes better to go through with a cheek augmentation operation after the face has fully matured. Anyone having a face lift may also consider cheek implants for the most flattering results.


Cheek Implants (Malar Augmentation) Procedure

The first step in the cheek implant procedure, as with any plastic surgery procedure, is a detailed consultation with your surgeon, who will guide you in your pre-operative planning. There are several sizes and shapes of cheek implants to choose from.


X-Rays are sometimes required to determine which cheek implant will be the most suitable for your bone structure, appearance, and desired goal. Measurements will also be taken to determine the degree of augmentation and the size and shape of the implant. These factors may differ for each individual.


Gender is also taken into consideration, as women usually desire softer, rounder cheeks enhancing their feminine appearance, while men typically desire more chiseled or angular cheek bones creating a more masculine appearance. During the cheek augmentation procedure, the patient will be under general anesthesia.


A small incision is made near the area where the implants will be placed, usually in the crease under the lower eyelashes or inside the upper lip. The surgeon creates a pocket to locate the implant, which is stitched to an area of more solid tissue to ensure immobility.


This procedure is outpatient, which means that the patient can return home the same day.


Average Duration of Cheek Implant Surgery: Less than 1 hour