Brow Lift in Marrakech

1 clinic(s) offering Brow Lift treatment in Marrakech
Dr. Aboufirass Abdellatif Verified

Dr. Aboufirass Abdellatif practice is designed to present comprehensive treatment planning and follow strict standards to ensure your plastic surgery in Marrakesh will go smoothly and achieve the appearance goals you desire.

تجربة في المستوى، طبيب محترف، وشغل نظيف ومرتب، ونتيجة مرضية، وسعر معقول جدا، فريق عمل احترافي وفعال. واستقبال مريح. أنصح كل امرأة تفكر بالقيام بهده العملية إن تتردد، يجب فقط اتحاد القرار، لا داعي للخوف، وكأنها تجربة مع دكتور الاسنان، قليل من الالم، يمكن تزاوجه مع وصفة الدواء الدقيقة من عند الدكتور ابو فراس، الله يعطيه الصحة. شكرا بزاف دكتور ابو فراس ❤
September 2020
One of the most professional place in Marrakech. Dr. BOUFIRASS Abdellatif and her Team are very kind and 100% professional. Wish them all my best
November 2019
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48 more treatments

What is Brow Lift (Forehead Lift)?

Browplasty, also known as forehead lift and brow lift is a plastic surgery procedure that is designed to raise the eyebrows to a more aesthetically pleasing position on the face. This creates a more youthful appearance for saggy or drooping brows that have a naturally sad or tired appearance.


The rejuvenating effects also correct the lateral lines on the forehead and deep creases between the eyebrows that develop with age.


A Good Candidate for Brow Lift (Forehead Lift)

Good candidates for brow lift surgery are men or women between the ages of 35-70.


Brow Lift (Forehead Lift) Procedure

The first step of the brow-lift procedure is a detailed consultation with your surgeon, who will explain and discuss with you the procedure and technique that will most suit your situation and your desired appearance. Currently, there are two different procedures to choose from.


The Traditional Forehead: Also known as brow lift, this procedure entails incisions located at either the hairline, behind the hairline, or in some cases above the brow line or in the mid-forehead. It is a technique that usually works for men who already have an exaggerated crease in the middle of the forehead.


Endoscopic Brow Lift: This is the newest technique in brow lift surgery that employs a microscopic camera, which is inserted about half an inch to an inch behind the hairline. The camera provides the surgeon with a defined view of the muscles and tissues beneath the skin on a large, easy to view screen.


A pencil-like instrument is then inserted to gently lift the skin and move the muscles if necessary. This procedure may require longer surgery time, yet it is less invasive and temporary scalp numbness may be reduced to a bare minimum.


The procedures are outpatient, which means that the patient can return home the same day.


Average Duration of Brow Lift Surgery: 1-2 hours.