Breast Reduction in Cairo

1 clinic(s) offering Breast Reduction treatment in Cairo
Dr. Helmy Soliman - Plastic Surgery Clinic Verified

Are you considering plastic surgery in Egypt? Top plastic surgeon in Cairo, Dr. Helmy Soliman, holds... s extensive training with global leaders and innovators in the field of plastic surgery  

Breast Reduction Overview

Women with overly large breasts often choose to undergo breast reduction (or reduction mammoplasty) because they experience significant amounts of pain and discomfort. As a result of their large breasts, it has a negative impact on their daily lives.


Breast reduction is a common cosmetic surgery procedure that is carried out all over the world. The medical nature of the issue often means that the cost of breast reduction is all or partially covered by insurance companies.


Women who have large, pendulous breasts are unable to wear the clothes that they want. They are unable to play certain sports or carry out particular activities because their breasts oversized. Most of the time women begin to feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.


Some women have overly large breasts as a result of genetic factors or breast hypertrophy while other women’s breasts never returned to their regular size after breastfeeding. Breast reduction can help these women obtain the smaller profile they have always wanted and allow them to enjoy a life without burdensome breasts.


Panama is an excellent destination for plastic surgery and body-enhancing treatments, such as liposuction, tummy tuck and butt lift. Breast Reduction in Panama is a safe, commonly performed surgery that promises natural and long-lasting results.


Some men have a condition called gynecomastia which is the over development of breast tissue in males. It can be minor or quite severe but is very embarrassing in both cases. Men undergo male breast reduction as a corrective treatment for this condition.


Surgery, liposuction or a combination of both are used to permanently reduce the size of enlarged breasts. Preparing for your breast reduction is an important part of the breast reduction journey. The initial consultation with a plastic surgeon ensures that the patient is emotionally and physically ready for treatment.


There are a variety of breast reduction techniques that can be used. Ultimately, the aim of this type of breast surgery is to reduce the amount of glandular tissue, fatty tissue and skin that make up the breasts. The nipples are also relocated and the breasts are reshaped into proportion. The technique used depends on how large the breasts are and what the patients desired outcome is.


Breast reduction surgery has a very high success rate and the results are permanent. Most patients are very happy with their results and relieved that they are not burdened by large breasts anymore.


Although a breast reduction results is a breast lift naturally, some women choose to undergo breast lift surgery at the same time. They may also choose to have nipple surgery in order to make their areolas smaller.


A Good Candidate for Breast Reduction

Women with overly large breasts and men with gynecomastia are both good candidates for breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty). There are, however, a number of other criteria that patients need to meet before they are deemed suitable for breast reduction surgery.


These criteria will be discussed during the initial consultation, together with the potential breast reductions risks and side effects that patients have to be aware of.

Women who are Good Candidates for Breast Reduction

-Women who have large sagging breasts

-Women whose breasts cause them chronic back, head, shoulder and neck pain

-Women whose breasts get in the way of day to day activities

-Women who can’t play certain sports because their breasts are too big and heavy

-Women with low self-esteem who also feel embarrassed and frustrated by their large breasts

-Women who can’t wear the clothes they want because they don’t fit properly

-Women who find that bra straps dig into their shoulders regardless of how wide they are

-Women who think that their breasts are out of proportion with the rest of their bodies


Men who are Good Candidates for Breast Reduction

-Males with gynecomastia who desire male breast reduction

-Men with one enlarged breasts

-Men who are embarrassed by their enlarged breasts

-Men who have unsuccessfully tried dieting and exercise to reduce their breast size

-Men who don’t feel comfortable wearing certain clothes because they think their breasts will be obvious

-Men who are concerned that they are not masculine enough because of their breast development


Individuals who are Not Good Candidates for Breast Reduction

-Unhealthy lifestyle or diet

-Women who are planning to breast feed

-Young men and women whose bodies are still developing (unless the case is severe)

-Patients who are obese

-Patients with health issues and conditions that will prevent them from having surgery

-Men and women who smoke. This will slow down the healing process during their breast reduction recovery


Preparing for Breast Reduction

Your breast reduction preparation is an important time. This is when you start emotionally and physically getting ready for your breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty). One of the first things that you will need to do is arrange an appointment with a plastic surgeon. He or she will outline the procedure and establish if you are a good candidate for breast reduction. You will be examined and asked what your expectations of the treatment are.


Depending on your physical anatomy and how you would like your breasts to look, a breast reduction technique will be decided on. For men with gynecomastia, their male breast reduction may involve surgery, liposuction or a combination of both.


Your first consultation is a good time to start getting to know your plastic surgeon and establishing a close relationship with them.


During your breast reduction preparation, you will learn about all the potential breast reduction risks and side effects. You need to know what these are and what you have to do should any complications arise.


In order to minimize these issues, you will be asked to stop smoking if you are a smoker and stop taking particular medications that may adversely affect your breast reduction recovery. In addition, your plastic surgeon will give you a detailed list of pre-operative instructions that you need to follow closely.


So that you are fit to have surgery, you will need to take a couple of standard blood tests as part of your breast reduction preparation. These are to check that your blood coagulates normally. If your blood doesn’t coagulate normally because you are taking blood thinning medication, you will have to stop taking this medication until after the breast reduction. In the case that this is not possible, alternative medication may be recommended by your plastic surgeon.


The surgeon may also ask you to take a baseline mammogram while you are preparing for you breast reduction. This will be compared to the mammogram you will have a few months after your surgery to see if any changes have occurred.


In the days leading up to your breast reduction, you will start to focus on the instructions concerning food and drink. Be sure to get your recovery environment ready at this point so you don’t have to worry about anything during the healing process.


Buy medications you may need along with anything else the surgeon has recommended. Arrange for someone to come and help you look after children/pets because it is important that you are relaxed and not stressed.


The most important thing that you need to do as part of your breast reduction preparation, however, is take it easy and relax. Just remember, you decided on this surgery because it was the best decision for you. In a short while, you will have the profile you have always wanted.