Surrogacy in United Kingdom

1 clinic(s) offering Surrogacy treatment in United Kingdom
UKCFA Verified

UKCFA offers a wide range of infertility treatments tailored to meet your needs and make you feel en... nlightened on your journey to Parenthood. We are run by UK’s leading IVF Fertility Consultants with a unique partnership with Cyprus IVF Centre (CIC) in Famagusta  

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is an infertility treatment option available to couples who cannot conceive. It implicates a woman (the surrogate mother) carrying a child for another couple and ultimately terminates her parental rights to the child. There are two types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy.


Traditional Surrogacy: Traditional surrogacy indicates that the surrogate mother is also the child’s genetic mother because her own eggs have been fertilized. She may have undergone Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) or a similar process using the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm (IUI with sperm donation). Traditional surrogacy is not as popular as gestational surrogacy. This is because of the legal complications surrounding it and the issues related to the connection between the surrogate and her genetic child.

Gestational Surrogacy: Gestational surrogacy involves the eggs and sperm of the intended parents which are fertilized before being transplanted into the surrogate’s uterus. The child that is born is the genetic offspring of the intended parents and not related to the surrogate in any way. Gestational surrogacy is a more expensive and complicated procedure involving IVF. A related procedure is surrogacy with egg donation and this requires donor eggs to be fertilized by the father’s sperm before implantation.

Altruistic VS Commercial Surrogacy: Surrogacy can be carried out with two main motivations: altruistic or commercial. With altruistic surrogacy, the surrogate selflessly carries the child without recompense. With commercial surrogacy, the surrogate is financially compensated for the process.


Good Candidates for Surrogacy

In some cases, the intended parents choose the surrogate while in other cases the surrogate chooses the intended parents. Agencies help to make a good match between everyone involved.


To be a Good Candidate for Surrogacy – Qualities of the Intended Parents:

· A woman who has had significant trouble conceiving a child or carrying the pregnancy to term

· A woman who has undergone a hysterectomy

· A woman with abnormalities in her uterus that prevent her from becoming pregnant

· A woman who is over 45 years old and unable to have her own child

· A woman with a disease that may lead to complications if she were to become pregnant (cardiovascular disease, renal disease, pelvic disorder)

· Couples with unexplained causes of infertility

· Gay couples wanting to have a child are also good candidates for surrogacy (gay surrogacy)


In some situations, a woman desires a child but does not want the experience of pregnancy for physical, emotional or career related reasons. This form of social surrogacy is accepted under certain circumstances but not in all situations. Each individual case will need to be examined in order to determine if you are a good candidate for surrogacy.


To be a Good Candidate for Surrogacy – Qualities of the Surrogate Mother:

· Prior Experience as a Surrogate

· Proven Fertility

· Fertile and not experiencing any difficulty in conceiving

· Emotional able to Detach

· A woman who has had children before is familiar with the physical and emotional aspects of being pregnant. In addition, having her own children to go back to after being a surrogate would help with the emotional attachment



Surrogacy Arrangements

Gestational carrier arrangements can be organized through agencies or negotiated privately. Intended parents can also proceed via independent adoption. As the laws regarding surrogacy vary significantly between states and countries, it is vital for individuals to do a lot of research beforehand and make sure you completely understand the technicalities involved with your unique situation.


Gestational surrogacy is one of the most expensive infertility treatments available to couples having difficulty conceiving. Insurance companies may cover part of the costs but most do not, which means that couples are typically overwhelmed with a financial burden. In countries such as the United States surrogacy can range from $50,000 to $100,000. This is beyond the means of most people and as a result they have started looking abroad for more affordable procedures. The cost of surrogacy in India and the Ukraine, for example, is significantly less.


Reasons Individuals turn to gestational surrogacy as a solution for their infertility varies considerably. The female may have uterine complications that prevent her from carrying a baby to term or she may have other health issues that prevent pregnancy. In some cases, IVF has simply not been successful for the couple and surrogacy is their last resort. To be considered a good candidate for surrogacy, you and your partner will be screened by the agency that you are going through. The surrogate mother will also be examined thoroughly before she is deemed suitable to carry a child. A number of important factors such as emotional and physical health will be taken into account.


The legalities of surrogacy are complex and controversial in many countries. In parts of the world, certain aspects of surrogacy are illegal. Legal issues are connected to both the procedure and subsequent parenting rights. Many couples choose to travel abroad for surrogacy because the law in certain countries is much more accommodating than in their home country. Agencies often have a lawyer on hand to explain the legal situation and the rights of each party involved. Surrogacy has a large grey area that needs to be negotiated carefully. Read more on surrogacy laws all over the world.


Increasing numbers of gay couples wanting to start their own families are turning to surrogacy. For gay men of surrogacy, one of the men provides sperm to the surrogate mother who can use her own eggs in traditional surrogacy or use donor eggs in gestational surrogacy. The surrogate carries the child and gives birth before giving up her rights. The legal issues surrounding gay surrogacy are even more complex than standard surrogacy. Not all infertility clinics offer options to gay couples. Some men choose a friend or relative (known surrogate) to carry their child while others choose an unknown surrogate.