Surrogacy With Egg Donation in United Kingdom

1 clinic(s) offering Surrogacy with Egg Donation treatment in United Kingdom
UKCFA Verified

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Surrogacy with Egg Donation Overview

Surrogacy with egg donation is almost identical to a regular surrogacy arrangement, however an egg donor donates her eggs to the infertile couple. This is usually because the intended mother is both unable to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.


There are a large variety of causes of infertility and these can be male or female factors. Severe female reproductive issues may require the use of a surrogate in order to help the infertile couple start their own family.


The egg donor can be a known or anonymous donor. Egg donors can be selected by the couple from a database or chosen for them by the surrogacy agency. In this case, they are usually matched enabling the offspring closely to the physical characteristics of the intended parent.


If the egg donor is also the surrogate mother, this is referred to as traditional surrogacy and she will be genetically related to the child. Most individuals shy away from the complicated surrogacy laws – various issues concerning parenthood are difficult to deal with when the surrogate mother is also the biological mother.


There are also unique emotional attachment complications that can be hard to negotiate for everyone involved. Most couples choose to undergo gestational surrogacy. During this process, the husband’s sperm fertilizes donor eggs using IVF with ICSI (microinjection). The resulting embryo is then implanted into the surrogate. The father is genetically related to the child.


A considerable number of countries offer affordable surrogacy with egg donation treatments such as Armenia, Ukraine and Georgia. Surrogacy with egg donation in Ukraine is very popular among many couples from the UK.


Egg donation is also known as oocyte donation or ovum donation. Many women choose to donate their eggs to infertile couples for commercial or altruistic reasons. The egg retrieval process is fairly direct but needs to be timed closely. Women who donate are also required to fit a number of criteria before they can go through with the process.


There are two main categories of people who undergo surrogacy with egg donation: heterosexual couples who cannot conceive or be pregnant and gay male couples. Gay surrogacy by necessity requires an egg donation but either man can use his sperm to fertilize the egg.


This is generally more expensive that the cost of surrogacy and is a slightly more complicated process. Both procedures are the most expensive infertility treatments available and that is why increasing numbers of people are choosing to outsource it. The cost of surrogacy with egg donation is much more affordable in certain parts of the world than it is in the United States and United Kingdom.


An added bonus of traveling abroad for treatment is that particular countries have much more accommodating surrogacy laws. This can help to make the entire experience much easier. Couples can also take time out to have a much needed holiday as infertility can be very stressful.


Good Candidates for Surrogacy with Egg Donation

As opposed to a regular surrogacy arrangement where both of the intended parents are genetically related to their offspring, surrogacy with egg donation means that only the father is related to the child. Frequent because of female factor causes of infertility.


A good candidate for surrogacy with egg donation is a woman whose own eggs are not viable enough to produce children. This woman is ALSO unable to be pregnant because of problems with her uterus. Poor egg quality is a result of natural aging (the eggs of a woman over 30 years old become increasingly difficult to fertilize). Poor egg quality is also a result of: earlier treatment with chemotherapy, ovarian failure, ovarian cancer, prior hysterectomy, polycystic ovarian disease. Difficulties conceiving and carrying her child in the past can also contribute to surrogacy arrangements.


Gay male couples who want to have a child genetically related to one of the partners are also good candidates for surrogacy with egg donation. An egg donor as well as a surrogate is needed because they can only provide the sperm for this process. Gay male couples can be matched with an anonymous egg donor using their own criteria or they can choose from a selection of egg donors who are open to the possibility of knowing their offspring.


Egg donor eggs are often frozen in a process called egg (oocyte) freezing.


Ultimately, people who are good candidates for surrogacy with egg donation need to be well adjusted healthy individuals who desire a family. They will be screened before the process and the reasons for their infertility will be examined.


Surrogacy can be a complicated, emotional process so couples need to be able to handle this sustained stress over many months if not years. However, having a child can also be the most rewarding experience of your life and that alone is enough to make people endure the challenges.


Costs of Surrogacy with Egg Donation

The cost of surrogacy with egg donation is expensive. This is because you need to pay for the egg donation as well as all the other costs that are involved.


The cost of surrogacy with egg donation in countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom ranges from $50,000 to $100,000. Compared to the cost of surrogacy with egg donation abroad ($22,000 to $32,000).


Increasing numbers of infertile couples are choosing to travel to countries such as India and the Ukraine because surrogacy with egg donation is so much more within their means and they can have a holiday at the same time. Many infertility clinics even offer treatment packages that include other expenses as well.


The cost of surrogacy with egg donation varies significantly because each separate cost factor also varies. Some things that you need to take into account while working out your total expenses include:


Surrogate Mother’s Fee: Women who are surrogate mothers for commercial rather than altruistic motivations charge a fee for their services. This ultimately depends on the individual herself and to an extent, the agency she is working for (if you go through an agency).

General Surrogacy Expenses: You will be asked to cover a variety of general pregnancy expenses including: maternity clothing, lost wages, travel expenses, a life insurance policy and supplemental health insurance.

Medical Expenses: The egg donation itself falls into this category, the egg donor needs to be compensated. It is up to you to cover the costs of all medical expenses relating to the surrogacy. These include such things as: fertility medications, IVF with ICSI (microinjection) and egg and sperm preparation – as well as any additional expenses that may arise during the procedure.

Agency Fees: Agencies that work with surrogates and intended parents charge variable fees for their services. Their services include organizational and legal fees in addition to general support. Be sure to understand exactly what they help you with and what you need to organize yourself.

Legal Fees: You will need to hire a lawyer to help you negotiate the legalities of surrogacy. Their individual fees will vary depending on your unique situation and the work that will be required of them.