At the leading fertility clinic in Jordan, Dr. Wafa Akhdar's IVF Clinic, we are an international destination to treat male and female infertility. Our IVF clinic in Amman provides an extensive array of fertility treatment options ranging from intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) to advanced laboratory techniques and technology such as introcytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
Here at Dr. Wafa Akhdar's fertility center in Amman, we combine expertise with state-of-the-art facilities — and produce a unique approach to creating your family. Led by Dr. Wafa Akhdar, the dedicated support staff consistently achieves outstanding pregnancy rates so that all men and women can create a family.
Traveling to IVF in Amman? Jordan provides a nice balance between the traditional and cultural aspects of the region with the modern atmosphere of the West. Amman offers many modern luxuries while still retaining its uniquely Jordanian and Middle Eastern culture.
Meet our fertility specialist with 20+ years of experience...
Our mission is to help you achieve your dream of parenthood. We take a very personalized approach to your fertility treatment in Jordan. Dr. Akhdar personally cares for each and every patient and performs every procedure — from ultrasounds to egg retrievals and embryo transfers. We not only want you to develop a comfortable relationship throughout your fertility treatment with our IVF specialists, but also feel stress-free and taken care of....
We are proud to have played a role, for over 20 years now, in helping parents struggling with infertility fulfill their hopes for a happy family. We are committed to the provision of quality individualized care for all our patients in a safe, modern and patient-centered environment that utilizes the novelist technologies and evidence-based approaches.
Our fertility center offers hope to patients around the world and has a long history of successful outcomes with even the most challenging cases. We vow to work closely with you as a team to get over obstacles and work towards helping you achieve the future you hope for.
Why choose fertility treatment in Jordan...
We have a proven track record of success >
With a long uninterrupted history of trusted, compassionate fertility care in Amman — and our overwhelmingly positive success rates, the leading IVF clinic in Jordan ensures you receive the highest quality, patient-centered care and best results throughout your journey to parenthood.
Highly successful fertility doctor >
Our renowned fertility specialists in Amman are leaders in the field of reproductive technologies — and their expertise has earned them local and national recognition by their peers.
We make fertility treatment affordable >
Dr Wafa Akhdar's IVF Clinic helps you save considerably on IVF treatment. Contact us to explore various options to pay for the treatment you need.
IVF Success with Dr. Wafa Akhdar's IVF Center...
IVF success depends first on a couple’s chance of conception. This is influenced by many factors including most importantly age, diagnosis, years of infertility, egg quality, and the extent of prior testing and treatment. Secondly, the diversity within IVF centers impacts success. Clinics employ different patient selection criteria, different stimulation protocols and different laboratory procedures. Also, embryo selection, testing and transfer protocols vary from center to center. All of these factors influence success rates.Popular treatments
- Free Quote IVF with ICSI
- Free Quote Gender Selection IVF
- Free Quote IVF with PGD (Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)
Consultations available in:
English, Arabic
Additional Services
Airport Transfers, Local Accommodation Assistance, Translator Services
Patient Reviews

كل الشكر والتقدير للدكتوره وفاء الجعبري على هاذا المجهود الرائع بفضل الله ثم الدكتوره تكللت عملية الزراعه بالنجاح ونسئل الله ان يتمم على خير

Nana Queen
تجربة ممتازة انا زرت عياده د وفاء وكان عندي مشاكل في الانجاب وصارلي ٥سنوات بدون اطفال والحمد لله اجريت محاوله اطفال انابيب عند د وفاء الجعبري وربنا اك

الدكتورة وفاء من افضل اطباء النسائية و التوليد و اطفال الانابيب في الاردن .. الحمد لله انه اكرمني بالحمل على ايدها بعد فضل رب العالمين بتهتم بمرضاها و بتابع تفاصيل الحالة و بتعطي المريض حقه
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كل الشكر والتقدير للدكتوره وفاء الجعبري على هاذا المجهود الرائع بفضل الله ثم الدكتوره تكللت عملية الزراعه بالنجاح ونسئل الله ان يتمم على خير

Nana Queen
تجربة ممتازة انا زرت عياده د وفاء وكان عندي مشاكل في الانجاب وصارلي ٥سنوات بدون اطفال والحمد لله اجريت محاوله اطفال انابيب عند د وفاء الجعبري وربنا اك

الدكتورة وفاء من افضل اطباء النسائية و التوليد و اطفال الانابيب في الاردن .. الحمد لله انه اكرمني بالحمل على ايدها بعد فضل رب العالمين بتهتم بمرضاها و بتابع تفاصيل الحالة و بتعطي المريض حقه

والله الحمدلله كلشي تمام العملية كانت اليوم والله الحمد لله ناس كتير كتير طيبون : والله مابندم على مجيئ لهن الدكتورة ماشاء الله ماشاء الله التي هي حبوبة ان اقولك الف مرة حبوبة وحنونة وطيبة..... مابقدر اوصفلك اياها شكراً والف شكر على انك دليتيني عليها

الحمد الله رزقني اللله بطفلين تؤام على يد الدكتورة الإنسانة وفاء الاخضر الجعبري بعد معاناة لعدة سنوات دون إنجاب . هي من اروع الدكاترة علما و دينا تابعت حالتي بدقة وباهتمام عالي . اجريت تلقيح لديها ب مركز الشميساني الإخصاب وتكللت بالنجاح والفضل للة سبحانك والى مهارة وخبرة الدكتورة وفاء .

اروع واشطر دكتورة نسائية وتوليد واطفال انابيب بالاردن عاملتني كأني بنتها واهتمت بكل التفاصيل وربنا اكرمني بالحمل بجهودها بعد معاناة ثلاث سنوات العيادة دائما نظيفة ومرتبة والسكرتيرة جدا راقية بالتعامل الله يعطيكم الف عافية ويجزيكم الخير

Shirren Zayyat
الدكتوره وفاء الجعبري افضل والطف واروع دكتوره ، الله يسعدك متل ما اسعدتي قلوب كتير وماشاءالله الكل محظوظ في التعامل معك دكتوره لانك دائما بتعطي الامل والسعاده للمرضى وماشاءالله كلك تفائل والراحه النفسيه الموجوده عندك ما بتلتقى عند اي دكتوره. ان شاءالله المزيد من النجاح والتوفيق لانك بتستاهلي كل خير

What to See
Amman is a civilized, with unexpected charm, bathed in a new spirit of dynamism. It's wordly investment is pouring in, new buildings are going up, neighbourhoods are being rejuvenated and the city is humming with cafés, galleries and commerce. Visit Amman today!
What to Savor
Whether you are looking for sweets, classic falafel, or a soothing place for an elegant dinner out, there are an abundance of great places to go to eat like a local in Amman, Jordan.
Where to Stay
Jordan provides a nice balance between the traditional and cultural aspects of the region with the modern atmosphere of the West. Amman offers many modern luxuries while still retaining its uniquely Jordanian and Middle Eastern culture.