Iui With Sperm Donation in Prague

1 clinic(s) offering IUI with Sperm Donation treatment in Prague
Pronatal IVF Verified

Led by Ass. Prof. T. Mardesić PhD., the Pronatal IVF clinic in Prague has witnessed multiple achieve... ements over the years — and is comparable to top international centres of assisted reproduction  

IUI with Sperm Donation Overview

IUI with sperm donation is the same as regular Intra Uterine Insemination but a donor has provided the sperm sample and not the woman’s husband or partner. This donor may be known or anonymous.

A sperm donor is technically a male who provides a sample of his sperm to a sperm bank or agency so that they can then assist a woman to become pregnant. Sperm donation is also known as third party reproduction.

The sperm donor is the biological father of the child that is produced using the IUI procedure but his legal status and responsibility varies from country to country.

Heterosexual couples desiring infertility treatment, as well as lesbian couples or choice mothers are good candidates for IUI with sperm donation.

Preparing for IUI with sperm donation is the same as preparing for an IUI treatment. The only difference is that donor sperm is usually frozen and needs to be thawed. It will have already been washed and tested for any diseases by this stage. Sperm is thawed slowly at room temperature until it is ready to be used.


The screening process for sperm donors is particularly rigorous and includes a physical examination, in depth blood and urine tests, genetic testing for carrier traits, a detailed semen analysis, general health check, medical history check and discussion regarding sexual activity and drug use.


All of these steps result in very high quality sperm. In fact, children conceived using sperm donation actually have a lower birth defect rate than the general population.


The cost of IUI with sperm donation is a bit more than the regular cost of IUI because you are also paying for the sperm itself.


A Good Candidate for Sperm Donation Procedure

Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) is an infertility treatment available to heterosexual couples, lesbian couples and choice mothers. All of these individuals are good candidates for IUI with sperm donation.


Heterosexual Couples: A heterosexual couple may require a sperm donation because the man’s sperm may not be suitable. He may have a very low sperm count (oligospermia) or abnormal sperm (teratospermia). Some men know that they are carriers of particular genetic diseases and don’t want to pass this on to their offspring.

Lesbian Couples: Lesbian couples who have undergone infertility testing and know that they are able to conceive make good candidates for IUI with sperm donation. They are healthy and fertile enough to become pregnant but simply require a sperm donation.


Some lesbian couples choose a donor that they have a personal relationship with while others opt for an anonymous donation. There are various legal issues surrounding the status of a sperm donor and these vary from country to country. Make sure you know what rights and responsibilities the donor has and how these may affect your child.


There are countless numbers of lesbian couples all around the world who feel that they are ready to start a family by having a child together. However, they need a sperm donor first and fortunately many fertility clinics are able to offer IUI with sperm donation.


Some clinics are more supportive of lesbian couples because they believe that they are good candidates for IUI with sperm donation. Other clinics have more conservative attitudes or are located in countries that are not so open-minded towards lesbian couples.


Choice Mothers: Many single women are choosing to undergo IUI with sperm donation because they wish to have a child but are not in a relationship. Some choose to adopt, either at home or abroad, while increasing numbers are turning to infertility treatments to help them.


There are thousands of single women in their thirties and forties who are able to financially and emotionally support themselves and a child. They know that it will be harder for them to get pregnant if they just keep waiting for “Mr. Right” to come along because their egg quality decreases with age. By taking this step, they are ensuring that they have a family.


As a result of this trend, a huge number of support networks have sprung up over the internet and there are plenty of books dealing with the topic. There are still many that believe a family is a nuclear family but attitudes towards choice mothers are changing and becoming more accepting. Many fertility clinics feel that choice mothers are good candidates for IUI with sperm donation.


Cost of IUI with Sperm Donation

The cost of IUI with sperm donation is a bit more expensive than the cost of IUI. This is due to the fact that you also have to pay for the sperm. Many fertility clinics who offer Intra Uterine Insemination don’t always offer sperm donation as well so be sure to discuss this at your initial consultation.


The cost of IUI with sperm donation can be expensive in Western countries because these countries have high standards of living that often translate into more expensive medical procedures for patients. In addition, the specialized nature of the treatment also means that it is not overly common and prices are not necessarily market driven.


Many people choose to travel overseas for infertility treatments because they know that they will receive high quality care and save on the cost of IUI with sperm donation. They can then use the money they saved on having a relaxing vacation!


Many clinics offer attractive treatment packages that include transfers and accommodation as well as the cost of IUI with sperm donation. They can even help you arrange the rest of your holiday so you get to see the sights and absorb some of the culture.


Infertility clinics abroad understand what you are going through and try to make it as easy as possible. The fertility specialists are exceptionally well trained and have often studied or worked overseas so they know how to deal with international patients. In fact, some clinics cater exclusively for medical tourists.


Traveling abroad for treatment is a fantastic opportunity. The quality of care you receive will be excellent and the cost of IUI with sperm donation will be much less than you would be expected to pay back home.


Simply click on any of the fertility clinics offering IUI with sperm donation to get a free quote.