Russia is a major fertility destination for couples seeking an affordable, advanced IVF treatment. During the last decade, Russia has risen to prominence and notoriety in the world fertility community.
IVF Russia offers the most flexible and friendly fertility laws in regards to gender selection and surrogacy.
Gender selection clinics in Russia offer patients individualized compassionate care from simple to complex conditions.
The experience and success rates of Russia fertility clinics have placed Russia at the forefront of gender selection treatments abroad.
One of the most popular procedures involved in gender selection is PGD Russia. Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis in Russia is a method of analyzing the chromosome within cells of embryos to determine the gender of genetic abnormality that may exist.
Not only does PGD determine gender of the child, but also to detect chromosomal abnormalities in gene disorders to ensure couples have healthy offspring.
Manege is an imposing structure standing before the walls of popular Kremlin. Architect Auguste Montferrand designed Manega and build by engineer Augustin Betacourt to commemorate the fifth anniversary of Russia’s victory over Napoleon war of 1812.
Touted as a breakthrough in architectural techniques, Manega houses a giant hall (about 7,500 square meters - 166 meters long and 45 meters wide).
It was originally built for military purposes; today Manega is Russia’s biggest cultural and entertainment hub for public featuring a popular art gallery Central Exhibition Hall that plays host to classical and modern music concerts, art festivals, musical shows and presentations.
Besides being the most cost-effective fertility and gender selection destination in Europe, IVF Russia offers a number of finance options and safe solutions to help with the cost of gender selection procedure in Russia.