Egg Freezing in Prague

1 clinic(s) offering Egg (Oocyte) Freezing treatment in Prague
Pronatal IVF Verified

Led by Ass. Prof. T. Mardesić PhD., the Pronatal IVF clinic in Prague has witnessed multiple achieve... ements over the years — and is comparable to top international centres of assisted reproduction  

What is Egg (Oocyte) Freezing?

Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is one of today's IVF breakthrough achievements that designed to increase a woman's potential to have children later in life. The egg freezing procedure is carried out by extracting a woman's eggs, freezing them and storing them for future use. When the patient is ready to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed, fertilized, and transferred to the uterus as embryos.


Egg freezing is an increasingly sought-after IVF treatment offered at a number of IVF clinics around the world, such as Argentina, Colombia, Cyprus and Spain. Egg freezing in Greece is growing more in popularity among European couples who are not ready to start a family and single women wishing to preserve their eggs for future use.


A Good Candidate for Egg (Oocyte) Freezing

Good candidates for egg freezing are women desiring to preserve their fertility for medical reasons such as cancer or for other personal reasons. Women, unfortunately, who are having to endure cancer therapy, which may be harmful to reproductive tissues like treatment by radiation or chemotherapy find egg freezing a viable option.


Costs of Egg (Oocyte) Freezing

The cost of egg freezing can be a more affordable treatment option compared to the embryo freezing procedure.