Heart Surgery

2 Heart Surgery Hospitals Worldwide, Offering 6 Treatments in 2 Countries and 4 Cities.
Florida Medical Tourism Verified

Florida Medical Tourism has dedicated powerful resources to establish a state-of-the-art cardiac car... re center that is now one of the most progressive heart centers in Florida, leading the region in research and cardiac care  

Dr. Carlos Alberto Hernandez Verified

Dr. Hernandez and his team hold a high reputation for providing cardiac care for heart patients from... m around Mexico and the US and Canada  

3 more treatments

Heart Surgery

Each day, thousands of people all over the world undergo heart surgery. Despite the surgery’s high success rates; heart surgery is not procedure to be taken lightly. Heart surgery is considered among the most invasive of all medical procedures.

There are a number of factors that cause heart disease. One of the most common factors is narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the heart, known as coronary artery disease. Age, male gender and genetic predisposition are contributing causes of coronary artery disease.

Heart disease could also be congenital, especially among children born with birth defects, which later affect the development of the heart.

Heart surgery attempts to treat the following:
Repair or replace the valves that control blood flow through the heart's chambers

Widen narrowed or blocked arteries

Insert devices to regulate heart rhythms

Destroy some tissues responsible for disturbing the electrical flow through the heart.

Heart Surgery Options

Coronary Angiography:
It is recognized as the least invasive treatment of heart surgery treatments. Coronary angiography uses a specialized x-ray to find out detailed information about heart arteries. The treatment is carried out to determine the severity of a heart condition known as angina. The common cause of angina is narrowing of the coronary arteries, which disrupts the blood supply to the heart.

Angioplasty PTCA With Intracoronary Stenting:
Angioplasty with Intracoronary Stenting is a minimally-invasive heart treatment for opening obstructed coronary arteries. Patients suffering from average to severe narrowing of one or more heart arteries are good candidates for angioplasty with intracoronary stenting.

Aortic Valve Replacement:
Aortic valve replacement is a cardiac procedure where a patient’s diseased aortic valve is replaced with a healthy one. The aortic valve can be affected by a number of diseases; it can either become leaky, a medical disorder known as aortic insufficiency, which causes the blood to flow in reverse.

Or it can be congenital aortic valve disease, being abnormal at birth. Aortic valve replacement is performed using open-heart surgery through an incision to the patient’s chest or ribs.

Heart Bypass Surgery:
The surgery intends to treat coronary arteries that are blocked by giving the blood a new pathway to reach the heart. During the heart bypass procedure, a blood vessel can be redirected from one area to another to restore blood flow and improve circulation of oxygen to the heart. 

Cost of Heart Surgery

There is a set number of fluctuating factors that influence the overall cost of heart surgery.
Factors affecting the cost of heart surgery can come down to: heart condition, type of cardiac surgery, technology used in surgery and surgeon’s reputation.

Traveling abroad for heart surgery is without a doubt the most cost-effective way to save on any treatment expenses--and an intricate treatment like heart surgery is no exception.

Thanks to the advancement of medical technology, a growing number of medical tourist destinations are offering affordable, world-class facilities on par with leading health care countries, such as the US and Europe.